James Viso was bitter and bored following his humiliating recall election in late 1961. He needed a project, and noted with keen interest the poor treatment Senator Barry Goldwater was getting from the media in his Presidential run in 1964. Viso likened Goldwater's treatment to his own during his recall campaign. He set out to attempt to single-handedly change the public's perception of Goldwater by "going over the heads" of the media directly to the people through a television political commercial that he wrote, produced and directed, all at his own expense. He then convinced the Goldwater campaign to air his ad nationally during the Presidential campaign.
In the website accompanying our book you can learn the incredible story of how two television political ads, one from Viso and one from the Lyndon Johnson campaign, aired during the 1964 Presidential election changed the face of not only the 1964 election, but ALL future elections as well.
In Viso's case, the ad created for Goldwater is widely credited with jumpstarting the political career of Ronald Reagan. You can see a glimpse of Viso's ad by scanning the QR code below. To hear the entire incredible story, you can purchase our book by clicking the button above, which will give you access to the website accompanying our book.
